Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Today's Spotlight On: Halloween Decor!!

It's that time of year drag out the multitude of storage tubs from my attic to start decorating for Halloween! I usually start doing it pretty early because I have so much stuff and I have a Halloween village, which takes a week in itself to set up. Not that it's overly large; I certainly don't need a whole room for it, but it is sort of putzy to unpack all the little stuff from their boxes and set everything up just right.

We were planning on having a costume party again this year, but some unexpected bills that are going to be due this month (and extra $400 I didn't count on) will prevent us from having the party after all, even though this year we were going to go low-budget on the food and have it BYO for drinks (other than wine and hot mulled apple cider, which I usually make), to help keep the cost down. It's disappointing, but we can plan one for next year when, hopefully, things will be better.

But, I thought I'd share a few pictures of some of the Halloween decor that I have already put up!

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