Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Food: Christmas Goodies!

The holidays don't seem like the holidays without lots of delicious treats! At least, that is my  personal opinion!
We always used to bake cookies at the holidays when I was a girl and I continue the tradition in my own home now that I am an adult. Not only are the cookies and other goodies great to enjoy for Erik and I, but I can always load up a pretty Christmas plate full of fudge and cookies to take to other parties, to my in-laws, or just about anywhere else. They make great little gifts to co-workers too; wrapped up prettily with a card. This year I made three kinds of fudge: regular chocolate, butterscotch peanut fudge, and white gumdrop fudge. For cookies, I made sugar cookie cut-outs w/ decorative icing (my favorite!), spritz cookies, peanut butter blossoms, Santa's Sugar cookies ( small round sugar cookies dipped in chocolate and sprinkled with crushed peppermint) and Santa's Whiskers cookies. I also made some oven-roasted sugar and cinnamon pecans and Hawaiian Turtles (white chocolate, macedamia nuts, caramel and dried pineapple)--yum!

White gumdrop fudge---very quick and easy to make and delicious!

I found these cute Christmas-y boxes for $1.99 and filled them with cookies for co-worker gifts. A ribbon and a hand-stamped card made by me added just the right personal touch!

I also made loaves of blueberry orange bread for co-worker gifts. I wrapped the loaves in parchment paper and cellophane, and added ribbon and a tag printed on my computer. (I got this idea from Martha Stewart!)


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