Sunday, February 28, 2010

Crafty Things: Nature Lends a Hand....

Well, nature lent more than a hand with this "project". In fact, a bird did most of the work, while I did hardly anything. It was probably a robin, I'm guessing, who obligingly constructed this darling nest in a tree in my yard, so that in the dead of winter, when all the leaves were gone and I spied it in the branches of my maple tree, I decided I had to have it for a spring centerpiece and went and got it. 

I'll be using it as a spring centerpiece for my Tablescape next week for Tablescape Thursday. So here's a sneak peek.

I debated for five minutes about how many eggs should go in the nest; three or four? Hmmmm....decisions, decisions. How silly is that?  I finally went with four eggs, but reserve the right to change my mind. ;-)

See you soon and thanks for visiting!


  1. Hi Katie, can't wait to see how yu use the bird's nest in your upcoming TT! FYI, robins lay 3-4 eggs the first year, then the second and third season is only 2 you did good on your guess!

  2. Hi Katie, I have awarded you a Kreativ Blogger award, come here to get it.


  3. Coming over from Bellas - wow! Great blog! So glad she named you for the Kreativ award, I'm a new follower now! =)

  4. Wow!!!!!!!! Thanks so much! I appreciate it!


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