Monday, February 15, 2010

Mosaic Monday: Be Mine

                                                                 (click to view larger!)
A Valentine's mosaic for your enjoyment! Please be sure to visit Little Red House for more wonderful Mosaics!
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  1. Hi Katie, Thanks for visiting my blog! I have come to yours and Love It! Sugar cookie and all things victorian are perfect in my book! The beautiful Victorian Peacock - have you seen the old wallpaper frieze Bradbury and Bradbury made of Peacocks? I don't see it on the sight anymore (it's not the briar pattern) I always wanted it for my parlor but my ceiling were a tad short :-(

  2. I adore Bradbury & Bradbury prints and no, I did not see the peacock one! I would have probably put myself in hock to be able to buy that one for my parlor though!!! ;-)

  3. Lots of sweetness in your mosaic this week!
    ~Really Rainey~

  4. So very pretty!
    Reminder: my give-away ends on Friday!


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