Saturday, March 13, 2010

Food: Blueberry Scones for Breakfast!

I had leftover blueberries from the Blueberry Orange bread I made for my father the other day, so I decided to make some blueberry scones to have for breakfast today. Oh, they were yummy! They were a perfect compliment to my morning chai tea.
I love this glass covered cake stand. I always have it on my kitchen counter and whenever I make something, be it cookies, muffins, a pie, cupcakes, or even rolls: I always put them in this covered stand. It looks so pretty this way and makes a nice centerpiece for my kitchen table also! I bought this covered cake stand many, many years ago; I think it was made by Anchor Hocking.

I like scones with fruit in them and a little powdered sugar on top. Panera Bread has a delicious orange scone with an orange glaze that is just fabulous. I'll have to try and make my own version sometime!

Thanks for stopping by!

1 comment:

  1. Twice this week you have tempted my sweet tooth...shame on you:-) They look really delicious, I love food displayed on the counter in cake stands are jars too! Just to tempting to last long :-) Hope Your having a great weekend! Bella


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