Sunday, March 7, 2010

Garden Goods: Oranges and Lemons Gaillardia

Oranges and Lemons Gaillardia

I caved in to temptation and placed an order for some Gaillardia from one of the many flower nursery catalogs I've been getting in the mail. I usually don't order anything this early, and had no plans to order any perennials at all this year, since I don't actually have any empty space in my beds! But I love Gaillardia, and I was in absolute love with this cultivar, called "Oranges and Lemons". Aren't the colors just so sunny and bright??  I have some Burgundy Gaillardia (Gaillardia aristata 'burgundy') already and this will make a nice contrast, I think!

Gaillardia and coneflowers have lately become my obsession in the garden. I have several different kinds of coneflowers: purple (echinacea purpurea) white (Polar White and Swan), Green Envy coneflowers (echinacea 'Green Envy'), double-decker purple coneflowers (echinacea purpurea 'double-decker')
and Twilight coneflowers (echinacea 'Twilight').

Now I'm really excited for spring!!!

1 comment:

  1. Darling, thank you for allowing me to browse through your interesting posts and lovely photos. I enjoyed my visit tremendously and I look forward to my future visits.

    Love & Hugs


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