Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Sweet eBay Pie Bird !

Isn't he the sweetest?? I found this vintage Bluebird pie bird on eBay and since I was the only bidder, I got him for a very reasonable price. I love that he's blue and yellow (like my kitchen colors) and I love that I can bake him into a pie. He's cute AND useful!

One of my sweet "blog friends", Bella at Bella's Rose Cottage, showed off her collection of pie birds a week or so back and I was instantly enamored of them and decided I HAD to have one!  I had heard of pie vents before, but I had never seen pie birds.  Once I saw how cute they were, I was off on a quest for one. I love to make fruit pies; cherry is my favorite. I can just picture him in my next cherry pie, with his little head poking out!
I did see a pretty yellow Canary pie bird on eBay also.....I might have to find a birdy friend for my bluebird!

This is why I love checking out other folks' blogs....I can always find something that I haven't seen before!


  1. I Love It!! We are gonna start a new pie bird trend!! Pie and birds you gotta be happy!! Thanks for the shout out!! Bella

  2. I think I have a new obsession now in addition to my obsession with creamers....pie birds!! YW!

  3. That is the coolest thing ever! I've never heard of them before either. M wold just LOVE that- with his fascination of birds and all. Next time we're over, we'll have to show him. Better yet, bake a pie with one in and bring it over- LOL.


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