Monday, March 29, 2010

This and That....Easter Approach-eth

I thought I'd use some spring-y, Easter colors for my and yellow seemed to say "Easter" to me! It reminds me of the marshmallow Peeps; pink bunnies and yellow chicks!

I love Peeps. I find that people have very strong reactions/feelings about Peeps; they either hate them or love them!

As a testament to my Peep-love, here I will share a picture of my little stuffed Peeps! I've had these pretty much forever; my sister found the purple chick and yellow bunny at a rummage sale. The large pink bunny is actually a really squooshy neck pillow. (I only put them on my bed at Easter time--sadly, they aren't very Victorian!)

I have a lovely Easter tablescape I did this weekend for this week's Tablescape Thursday....there might be some Peeps involved, and some chocolate....

A sneak peek:

Are you a Peep lover or a Peep hater??  :-)
Thanks for stopping by!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Katie, Fun new blog wallpapper!! When I saw your blogs thumnail on my sidebar I saw peeps!
    Your tablescape peek looks beautiful, I can't wait!


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