Friday, April 9, 2010

I'm Still Here!

Hello everyone in blog-land!  Just thought I'd make a quick post to say that I'm still here---even if I had such a busy last week and a half that I was unable to prepare or participate in any of my fun blog events!! I missed out on Mosaic Monday, Outdoor Wednesday, Tablescape Thursday and Show & Tell Friday!

What a total bummer!  :-)

It has been a crazy last two weeks! I promise that soon I shall be posting away crazily, as usual. We're still waiting on spring weather here in Wisconsin (we had some snow yesterday!) and soon I hope to have pictures of my gardens to share!

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. I think the beginning of spring and Easter weekend has left us all a bit behind on our blogging. But it's ok, your followers are still here:)

    Have a great weekend!

  2. Ha ha I am behind too! Your weather will warm then you'll wish for a cold day to snuggle in the house! The weeds are kicking my butt!
    I miss you, come back soon!

  3. I can relate to your dilema! I hardly had a chance to post over spring break (you can see by my last post that I was antiquing too much:). Then I had blog block and couldn't think of anything to post for more than a week! I hope you had a wonderful Easter!



  4. Katie,
    I am so behind it isn't funny but I have missed "seeing" you!!


Thanks for visiting and I always appreciate comments, even if I'm not always able to respond to every one of them! You can also email me with questions or comments at: