Monday, May 31, 2010

Tabletop Tuesday: Memorial Day Breakfast

I hope everyone had a safe and wonderful holiday weekend! We didn't do too much here at Le Beau Paon. My father-in-law was in town visiting for the weekend, we went to a movie with my mother-in-law and Erik's stepfather and we had a cookout and poolside party at my mother's house with my sisters, brothers-in-law and my niece and nephews.
Because I had a house guest, I used it as an opportunity to try out new recipes and also play around with table settings. (LOL!!! )
I made a lovely breakfast for us all on Sunday morning and even managed to make a simple table with a patriotic flavor, which I will be linking with Marty at A Stroll Through Life's Tabletop Tuesday!

I remembered that I had some appetizer plates in the shape of red stars that were a Christmas gift a few years ago, which I paired with my Spode blue transferware, white vintage linen place mats and my white Pottery Barn napkins with a red monogram.
We had yogurt parfaits in clear footed dessert bowls; vanilla yogurt with raspberries and granola and just a little bit of honey on top.
I had also made this yummy breakfast casserole. Diced ham, egg, green onions and Roma tomatoes on a hash brown bottom; with lots of cheese! This was a Pampered Chef recipe I got from a booklet I received at a party.  Yummmmmyyy!!
I also made cinnamon buns and served them on my vintage Fenton hobnail milk glass cake pedestal. These were so easy to make and delicious! They are made using ready-made breadstick dough. I got this recipe also from Yvonne at Stone Gable. You can click HERE to get the recipe.

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Beautiful table, loved the dishes.
    The food looked tooo good. Thanks for sharing. Stop by for a visit and my giveaway.

  2. What a wonderful breakfast table you've set. Love your mix of dishes and your food. I'm hungry!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  3. Wow, wish I was your house guest! A lovely table set with yummy food! Love the cake stand! The Spode dishes, they look wonderful with the red star plate! I adore the napkins and placemat! Such a wonderful table to wake up to!

  4. Hi: What a beautiful table you set! It made me hungry. Have a wonderful week. Blessings, Martha

  5. Hi glad you got to have such a nice weekend with your family :-) You set a really nice table, unusual plates, great find! I love yogurt and fruit with granola too!

  6. What a fabulous treat for your guests. Your table is just gorgeous. I love the wonderful patriotic colors and the red star dishes are just wonderful. Your china, linens and accessories are all so perfectly done. Love the menu, makes me hungry. Thanks so much for joining the party. Hugs, Marty

  7. Katie,
    What a lovely tablescape for Memorial Day!!

    So pretty!!


  8. What a beautiful patriotic table...the breakfast casserole looks delicious...


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