Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Outdoor Wednesday: July Pool Party

A couple of weeks ago my brother was in from Los Angeles for a visit. He was in town until July 12th and on his last day  before heading back West, we had a nice pool party at my mom's house. I took some great pics of my niece and nephews enjoying  the pool. Both Erik and I also spent some time in the pool, as well as my sisters and brother, and brother-in-law. It was a beautiful day to spend by the pool.

We had a nice simple lunch of ham and hard rolls, fruit salad, potato salad and lemon bars for dessert.

My brother-in-law Mark with my niece J, and nephews C and G.
Their favorite part was standing on the edge of the pool and "jumping" in......with help of course!
G is only 2 and a half and obviously can't wait to be old enough to have swimming lessons!

My nephew B  has an infant floaty chair for the pool, but he was supposed to be napping.
G takes a break from the pool to have a juice box and lounge in his beach jacket.
J has decided to eat dessert first....lemon bars that she helped make. She loves to help in the kitchen with baking and cooking. She's a total girly girl!

Grandma and the grandkids all decided to sit on this bench to watch the rest of us play washers in the yard. Of course, when we tried to get a picture, everyone decided to fidget at once and not look at the camera...

Ok, this one was reasonably good...except J wouldn't stop playing with her pigtails! These are 5 of the 7 grandchildren.....I have a stepsister who lives in Minneapolis with her husband and they have two children also, a 2 yr old and a 4 month old. It's too bad they don't live would have been great to get a picture of all 7 of them!
After everyone was pooped from swimming, it was time to ride bikes around Grandma's patio.....except for B, of course! It's tough to be the baby!
M is the oldest of the grandkids at 6. He loves his Spider-Man bike and rides it so much you can see that it's pretty banged up.
G and his sister, J, come speeding around the turn.....................Grandma managed to find a pink and purple girly bike at a rummage sale just for J.
J tells me that pink and purple are her favorite colors.

Thanks for joining me!
I will be linking up to A Southern Daydreamer for Outdoor Wednesday!


  1. Dear Katie,

    Looks like you had a great family time around the pool; precious photos too! Love the photos that are not all too drilled, for having them stare at the lens. This is far better where each one shows true character!

    Greetings from Georgia/USA



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