Wednesday, August 18, 2010

White Wednesday: White Pedestal Sink with New Fixture

Erik was so buoyed by his "plumbing success" replacing our ugly kitchen faucet (with a little help from his much more handy friend, Chris) that he decided that he would replace the faucet in our upstairs himself! Click HERE to read the post about the kitchen faucet.

He was so proud of himself, I think. He managed it very well and had no difficulties.

The faucet we had on this sink was leaking very badly; it started with just an occasional drip, but over the last week or so it was getting worse. We looked for replacement parts, but there's no brand name on the faucet. I imagine it was just some cheap thing that the previous owners put in (they were very fond of cheap stuff.)
I don't think I have a close up picture of the old faucet, but it was kind of ugly.

This one is so pretty! It has a very similar style to the one we chose for the kitchen. A very vintage looking style, I think!

Thanks for joining me!
I'll be linking up with Faded Charm for White Wednesday.


  1. Hi Katie, A very nice new faucet... your pedestal sink is very nice too!

  2. love the new faucet - are those ruffles on that white towel? very cute

  3. It looks great! It definitely is in keeping with the vintage feel. Love the towel too!

  4. Great vintage faucet-you'll be able to see it and use it everyday! Happy WW

  5. Your faucet looks great and I love your sink too:)

  6. love the new faucet...looks great!
    Sweet blessings,

  7. I love anything Victorian! I must come back often and look more.

  8. I do love that tap set, wish I could find a similar one here in Australia!


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