Monday, September 27, 2010

Spooky Chandelier....and more!

With October just around the corner (what the heck happened to September???!!!), my Halloween decorations are slowly making their way down from the third floor attic.

I've never been a huge fan of this chandelier that's in our front entry hall, but it will stay here until I find something I like better. In the past I have hung fake 'cobwebs' from this chandelier, complete with black plastic spiders. This year, I tried something different.

 This 'Ghostly Greetings' sign I saw at Michael's about a month ago and I had to have it! It looks great hanging on the chandelier, along with Spanish Moss that I draped all over it. Spooky!
Spanish Moss is really messy, that's for sure. I had quite a bit of sweeping up to do! But it really looks great for spooky decor!

My new witch has moved over to the pumpkin chair.

 I took this picture with a flash so you could see better her pumpkin broom!
 This Skeleteon Maid tassel was a recent purchase.....
 As was the Skelteon Butler tassel...............

There also appears to be a skeleton running up my staircase!

And a little skull rests on a tasseled cushion, on top of a stack of antique books!

Thanks for stopping by!
Stay tuned for more Halloween decor to come!


  1. Oh my goodness, everything is so cute, in a spooky sort of way of course! LOVE the spanish moss on the chandelier. What a great idea! Can't wait to see more!

  2. Dearest Katie,

    Too spooky to read and see all this prior to bedtime...
    Well, I gladly take the risk! You must have enough space for storing all the seasonal things and for placing them. That way you can enjoy it, never mind the mess it causes for putting it up.
    By the way, today I show my home; outside that is...

    Have a great fall, with rainy greetings from Georgia,


  3. That chandelier is very spooky! Love it. That witch is very cute - if you can call a witch cute? Her chin is great. And makes a great birthday present.

  4. Love those decorations! OK, so if yours are up, that means I can put mine up too, haha :)) I'm so ready, we have a big party every year. Are you going to join Vanessa's party at A Fanciful Twist? You should, your decorations are great!


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