Thursday, September 9, 2010

Vintage Thingie Thursday: Pink Poodle Redux

This week I'll be joining a new blog party, Vintage Thingie Thursday, hosted by Suzanne at The Colorado Lady.

I encourage you all to check it out....and maybe join in the fun!

Some of my followers have probably already seen my sassy pink "spaghetti" poodle, which I acquired by accident a few months back. You can see the original post about it, and the story, click HERE

And I also had shown pictures of this:
It's so pretty, but I have no idea what it might be called.....or even how old it is!

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Katie,

    I just adore those sweet poodles!!
    I have one myself and I just love it!!


  2. Your little poodle brought back some memories for me We had some of those, but somehow along the way, they disappeared. Wish I still had them as I think the are so cute. Nice blog.

  3. Cute poodles. I just read your original story about it and was laughing that you decapitated her. She looks fine now though.

  4. was a tragic incident. ;-)
    Luckily she survived pretty well!


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