Friday, October 1, 2010

Bookworm's Corner: Summer Reading Challenge

The Summer Reading Challenge, which I joined this year, hosted by
Susan at  A Southern Daydreamer, ended on September 21st.

I didn't get a chance to post about how I did on my reading challenge on the 21st, so I'm a little late here!

Here was my reading list and the books I chose:

*The Alienist--Caleb Carr
*Homer & Langley---E.L.Doctorow
*The Canterbury Tales---G. Chaucer
*Wuthering Heights---Emily Bronte
*Duma Key--Stephen King
*Just After Sunset---Stephen King
*Thomas Jefferson--R.B. Bernstein
*John Adams---David McCullough
*An Incomplete Education---Judy Jones and William Wilson
*George Washington's Sacred Fire---Peter Lillback

Of the books I chose, I read 6 out of the 10 books. I finished The Alienist with just a day to spare!
I read The Alienist, Wuthering Heights, Duma Key, Just After Sunset, John Adams and An Incomplete Education.
I feel rather disappointed in myself for not completing all 10 books, but I also did read several books that were not on my list....I have an addiction to books and when I see one that interests me I can't stop myself  and I must devour it post-haste!
The books that I read (instead of sticking to my list!);
The Last of the Mohicans, by James Fenimore Cooper
A Book of Royal Days, by David Hilliam
The Princes in the Tower, by Alison Weir

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Dearest Katie,

    That is a LUXURY for finding the time to read books... I only find that while I'm on holiday; that is mainly for reading!
    So much to do otherwise and I guess, being an immigrant is the reason for that too. Keeping contacts in three continents takes a lot of time and energy. Using my seven languages leaves not much room for relaxing and reading. Maybe next life?!

    Have a great weekend!

    Sunny greetings from Georgia,


  2. You did great! I've just started a book club and I'm hoping I like most of the books. It is hard to waste time reading a book that is okay when there are so many to love, books that you cannot put down! Love the new blog look and music!

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