Friday, November 26, 2010

Food: Holiday Favorites

I had some of this in my morning coffee yesterday. Mmmmm....heaven in a cup!

And of the two pumpkin pies I made yesterday, this was all that was left. I forgot to take a picture of both of them when they came out of the oven; they were so beautiful! Instead, I leave you with this vision of a decimated pie. There's enough here for both Erik and I to have a piece tonight. Along with leftover turkey and stuffing and potatoes!  Hmmm....I already feel hungry!
Instead of the traditional mashed with gravy, I made potato gatto, which was a request from Erik and his family. It's an Italian dish, sometimes known as "potato cake". The name gatto comes from gateau, which is French for 'cake'. It is sometimes baked in cake pan and can be cut into slices or wedges, much like a cake. It is a dish that originated from Naples. Before Italy became unified, Naples was under French rule for many years. I've seen recipes that add peas and onions to the gatto, but my recipe does not have either. It is a concoction of mashed potatoes, Genoa salami or proscuitto, pecorino, parmesano and mozzarella cheeses. It is baked in a casserole dish that has been buttered and dusted with bread crumbs.
I will be posting the recipe I use later this week.

Thanks for stopping by! I hope everyone had an enjoyable Thanksgiving Day!


  1. Peppermint Mocha is awesome!!!!!

  2. Dearest Katie,

    Looks like your food was well received and almost eaten entirely... But you and Erik can savor one more slice of your cake. The potato dish looks very delicious too.

    Have a great weekend after the busy cooking time!

    Mariette's Back to Basics


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