Thursday, November 11, 2010

Show & Tell Friday: 1939 Piano Estate Sale Find

A couple of weeks ago I showed some pictures of two pieces of antique furniture we scored at an estate sale, along with.......surprise!!! A piano!
I took a couple photos and posted them, but I had Halloween stuff on top of it and also a cat, who decided that the piano was her new "bed" ( she loves anything the thrill of newness has worn off and she has returned to other, more cozy and cat-nap-worthy digs).

So today I will be joining Cindy at My Romantic Home with some proper pictures for Show and Tell Friday.

Erik was able to locate the serial number and look it up so we know that the year this piano was made was 1939. This piano is an upright spinet piano, made by Gulbransen. Here is how it looks with the top closed.
And voila! With the top open. The top has hinges so it folds back on itself and the music stand is also on hinges so it can be lifted up.
We probably should have it tuned, although it's not actually too bad. We don't know how long ago it was last played by anybody.  In case you're, I do not know how to play. Erik can play a little bit; he had lessons for awhile about 6 years ago. I've always wanted to play piano. I was one of those weird kids who actually would have loved to have piano lessons, but alas! My parents did not want to pay for lessons ( or buy a piano) so instead I played the clarinet. I still have my clarinet. I started playing when I was about 12 and played all through high school.

The decorative carving is so beautiful!

I love the needlepoint seat cover on the bench. I'm considering learning to play; I don't think that 40 is too late to learn!

On this piano, the sound chamber is underneath, instead of on top. Look at the gorgeous lyre motif on the sound chamber where the pedals are! So lovely!

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Hi Katie, NEVER too late! You gotta learn to play, The piano is gorgeous and it would be amazing to play it!!

  2. Dearest Katie,

    Guess you still have lots of years ahead of you for playing this spinet piano! Looks great and is certainly a wonderful addition to your home. So why not grab your chance and make a dream come true!

    Greetings from Georgia,


  3. Prettiest piano I've ever seen.

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  8. What a beautiful piano! If you already can play an instrument, you must be musically inclined, so learning piano won't be as difficult as it may seem. I used to play years ago, but haven't sat down at our piano for years! I always say maybe someday when I retire, I can find the time to take it up again.:-)



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