Tuesday, November 30, 2010

White Wednesday: 2010 "Theme" Tree

How fitting that I would have pictures of my theme tree this year all ready to go in time for White Wednesday....because, after all, my theme tree for this year is white! White with birds and snowflakes to be exact.

I'll be linking up with Faded Charm for White Wednesday, so be sure to check back to see all the other wonderful whites for this week!

In the meantime...............

These little "bouquets" of flowers and ribbon I made myself and then tucked them into the branches.

Mr Snowy Owl gets to sit right at the top of the tree. An owl is considered a good luck omen!

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Hi Katie, Love your white tree!! I was in a hurry to start Christmas decor, now I am soo behind, that seems to be the way it goes:-))
    We have stairs that are the same shape as yours and yep I put my tree in the same spot:-))


  2. Your tree looks amazing! I love your little owl. I have a white glass owl near the top of my tree as well.

  3. What a great tree and I am loving that owl! Happy WW!

  4. Dearest Kathie,

    What a great WHITE 'Theme' Tree for 2010! Love your self made bouquets with ribbons!
    The owl is also a very special top.

    Have a great week.

    Mariette's Back to Basics

  5. Oh, this is gorgeous!! I love the theme and the owl! He is so cute.

  6. Your tree is gorgeous-nothing compares to white-even on a christmas tree!

  7. Katie,

    Your tree is gorgeous!!! I love the new look of your blog too:).



  8. Your tree is absolutely stunning. I've started using white flowers in my vases for Christmas the last couple of years and I don't miss having red ones. Hmm, an all white tree would work well for me too.


Thanks for visiting and I always appreciate comments, even if I'm not always able to respond to every one of them! You can also email me with questions or comments at: twoevilcats@yahoo.com