Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Christmas Goody Gifts

I always like to make up a little gift package for co-workers and my boss every Christmas. This year I put together  "cookies in a jar".

The dry ingredients, nuts and chocolate chips are layered in a large Mason jar. A recipe card is attached with instructions on how to make the cookies ( the recipient will have to add eggs, butter and vanilla themselves). I photocopied the recipe and attached it to pretty card stock and used ribbon.
It's an easy and inexpensive gift that is a perfect give-away to neighbors, teachers, co-workers and the like....
 I found a pair of nested painted wooden boxes at Michael's for about $3.00 and used them to package my gifts. Each box got a cookie jar..........

....and an assortment of  home-made Christmas cookies and home-made roasted pecans in small gift bags tied with ribbon...
A pretty card that I made gets tucked in with the gift bags..............

Ribbon and glittery tags that I stamped  decorate some of the gift bags as well..........

Thanks for stopping by!
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  1. Ooh, I was one of your coworkers! What a wonderful gift. The stamped and glittered tags add a lovely touch.

  2. Oops! I forgot to include the word "wish"! But indeed, I would like to be one of your coworkers just so I could receive such a great gift! :)

  3. what an awesome idea!!! too late this year, maybe for the next!


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