Friday, January 14, 2011

Craft Closet Organization Project. Part 2

Well, I'm still working on putting my craft closet back together. I've been taking my time because I want everything to be neat and the things I use frequently to be accessible and convenient, so I don't want to rush it. You can read about the first part of my closet organization and see the scary pictures of the mess on the floor of my office HERE.

I don't really know what to call this "thing", I normally just call it the "storage thingy my Dad made". Real original, yes? My Dad made one of these for himself for his woodworking shop to hold small items like hinges and nails and screws, and one of my sisters saw it and asked if he could make her one also. She then suggested that me and my other sister might like one too, so he obligingly made two more. My father is retired now, he owned and ran a successful tool and die business for more than 35 years. The company is still owned by him, but he has other people to run it now. One of his favorite hobbies as a young man had been woodworking, which he started doing again some years back. He has a big workshop at his home.

I have it sitting on top of the big shelves right now, but I'm going to have Erik mount it on the wall, slightly higher up, so there's room under it. It's perfect for storing many of my small stamping supplies; brads, eyelets,embossing powder, buttons. I also have glue sticks for my hot glue gun, ribbon, ink cartridges for my stamping wheels and other things that will go in the compartments. I'm slowly filling it up.

The wire bin on the bottom is perfect for skeins of extra yarn and for leftover fabric from some sewing projects that I have plans to use again.

The big deep drawer is for my punches. I also have a plastic bin that's not in the picture with my paper snips, extra-sharp shears and a variety of hole punches and decorative edge scissors that will go in this drawer.

The two skinny drawers work perfectly for paper; I have designer paper in one drawer and in the top drawer there is 12x12 size card stock, tags, sticker sheets and rub-ons.

The open cubby is where I have my stamp n' write markers, my paper cutter and my stamp scrub. I also have rolls of ribbon here. These rolls of ribbon I use for card making. I have quite a few rolls of wired craft ribbon also, but I keep them separate from my stamping ribbons.

On the shelves behind the panel doors I have most things somewhat organized. On the far left is several different kinds of craft glue and adhesives and glue dots I use for making cards, as well as rulers and extra blades for my paper cutter. On the far right is a small storage bin with 3 drawers. This used to be on my desk in the office. I have floral cutters, floral wire, floral tape and corsage pins in the drawers. Each drawer is labeled.(My label maker sits on top of it!). On the middle shelf I have just a couple of things right now; one of them is a heat embossing tool and a tray. The top shelf has cans of spray paints, Mod Podge and a plastic box holding a variety of acrylic paints and paint pens which I had used in several different projects.

I still have a few more things to put in here (my stamp sets and the file box that I keep my card stock in), but it's coming along nicely! 

Thanks for stopping by!



  1. You've been busy, and it looks great - I especially love the "storage thingey your Dad made" - how cool is that?!!! Dads are the best! Happy weekend, Katie - Tanya

  2. Dearest Katie,

    Your Dad used a very practical design for storage bin. Love the acrylic fronts so you can see through them for a quick view what's in them!
    Typical jobs for winter time I guess... Looks well organized!

    Have a great weekend!


  3. Hi Katie,
    Your Dads bins are great, very handy:-) Your project is looking great, lots of goodies!! What fun your hobby room will be when it's all finished :-)

  4. Your craft closet looks something something Martha Stewart would do!!! How great that you'll have all of that organized! Love the piece your Dad made!

  5. Lovely, and I am so jealous!! If I had space the storage you dad built would be exactly what I would have!

  6. Oh my gosh, everything looks so nice! I like how you organized everything so that all your supplies are very accessible.

  7. How I wish all my craft items were as organized as yours. When I saw your paper cutter, I panicked and thought of where mine might be - not to easy to get at for sure.
    Thanks for sharing your craft space.

  8. What a great craft closet! It's wonderful how neat and orgainzed all your supplies are:).




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