Saturday, February 12, 2011

Bookworm's Corner: What I'm Reading

In my opinion, any time of year is a good time to read...but winter is an especially good time here in Wiconsin, when the snowy,windy and cold days are mostly good only for staying indoors!

I used to be a one-book-at-a-time reader. Meaning; I would only read one book at a time until it's completion before beginning another. Since marrying my husband 3 years ago, I have somehow absorbed his habit of reading multiple books at once.

Right now, these are the books that can be found on my bedside table:

Unbroken, by Laura Hillenbrand. I actually bought this book for my mother as a Christmas gift and once she finished it, she was kind enough to lend it to me so I could read it as well. This is a true story and it's amazing!!! The subject of this book was a former Olympic track runner who ended up being drafted into the Army at the beginning of World War II. He was stranded at sea after his plane went down in the Pacific, then captured by the Japanese and held as a POW. This story gives you a unique look into the trials, sufferings and despair of the W-II POWs, but also shows you the resilience of the human spirit and body. I knew my mother would enjoy it; she was a true "baby boomer", born in 1946, after her own father came home from World War II. My grandfather is still living and 93 years old; as is the subject of this book, Louis Zamperini. I would recommend this book to anyone; one read of what this man, and others, went through reminds me to be thankful for what I have, and that whatever "bad" things might have happened in my life, none of them comes close to this.

And of course, Mummies of the World, which I am reading following my visit last week to the special exhibit.

And last, but not least, Volume 1 of the Autobiography of Mark Twain. This was a Christmas gift I received and I'm really excited to read it. I have an insatiable lust for autobiographies of historical figures and Samuel Clemens (aka Mark Twain) has always been a favorite writer of mine. So far, I'm enjoying it considerably.

Thanks for stopping by!


1 comment:

  1. I also went to the Mummies of the World Exhibit! It was in Los Angeles last summer. Quite interesting...but a little weird at times.

    Today I went to the library to pick up a book I requested called The Forgotten Garden by Kate Morton. I read about it on another blog, and I hope it's good! Isn't reading a great book one of the best things ever?


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