Sunday, February 13, 2011

Mosaic Monday: Header Images

**Click the mosaic to view larger!**

As you may have noticed, my mosaic for today is the same images I have put in my blog header. I have long been playing around with adding my own photos to my blog header, after admiring this look on many other people's blogs. I have not quite mastered the technique yet, but I am getting there.
I'll be joining Mary at Little Red House for Mosaic Monday!

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  1. I love all of your images!!! They are beautiful!!! I keep working on my blog all of the is one of those things that I just can't seem to get just exactly like I want it!!!
    Have a beautiful week!

  2. Love your header, I am always changing mine. Get tired of looking at same one, but also have not found one I really like. I also use my own pictures.

  3. Your header looks very pretty! Is that your house? It's beautiful!
    ♥Happy Mosaic Monday and Valentine's Day!♥

  4. Love the shades of lavender in the mosaic...beautiful. Especially in lust with the beautiful little figurines and clock beneath the fancy feathers. Happy Valentine's Day, Katie - Tanya

  5. What a pretty house - your header is the perfect mosaic!


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