Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Roses and Chocolates; Happy Valentine's Day!

I hope everyone had a lovely Valentine's Day with their special someone; or someones! I like to think of friends and family as my Valentines too, not just my hubby!

We celebrated in very low-key style, as usual; Erik and I both work full time and don't usually get home until 5:00pm or later. I don't really like the fuss and expense of going out to dinner when I can make a nice romantic dinner at home for us, with a table set prettier than any restaurant! We ate in the dining room, which we do fairly often, but I made sure we had all the niceities; linen placemats, damask napkins, the good Mikasa crystal, wine, candlelight, my silver flatware, classical music playing in the background.

The centerpiece was provided by Erik;

He brought me a flower arrangement of pink roses and pink Stargazer lilies. Most of you probably know how much I love flowers and Erik knows that I especially love PINK flowers. He also knows that pink Stargazer lilies are one of my favorites. I have to give him props for not only choosing the flowers himself at the florist's, but he had also ordered it in advance!

He also provided the dessert:

A big box of Godiva chocolates................oh, yes! The man knows me well!

I was excited just looking at this fancy box! Look at that beautiful ribbon! So gorgeous!

                     Oh yeah...we ate a bunch of chocolates already. I'll be amazed if there's any left by Thursday.

I didn't take any pictures of the actual table setting because I'll be showing my Valentine's Day table in an upcoming post, for Tablescape Thursday, even though I made some slight changes.

But here's another little sneak peek;

Thanks for stopping by!
I'll be joining Marty for Tabletop Tuesday at A Stroll Thru Life!



  1. Your flowers and candy are gorgeous. I love the sneak peek of your table. So pretty. Thanks so much for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty

  2. Lucky you! I just love the heady smell of lilies, and the subtle, romantic smell of roses. That satin ribbon on the Godiva chocolate box is very beautifully done. Looks like you both had a lovely, romantic Valentine's Day!



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