Monday, March 7, 2011

It's Still Winter in Wisconsin.....Snow Tubing!

Spring is still a long way off here in Wisconsin!

Just to prove's some pictures I took this weekend. Erik and I joined some friends at a local ski hill called Sunburst to do some snow tubing!

Here's Erik, with several of our friends behind him, riding up the "Magic Carpet". It's like a conveyer belt that takes you and your snow tube effortlessly up the hill. Off to the right is the bottom of the hill for snowboarders; the actual ski hill for skiiers is further off.

Two of our friends coming down to the bottom; the area they call the "run out". They are sort of in the upper left of this picture on the red and blue tubes.

The ride down is fast and exhilerating...but now it's time to trudge back to the 'Magic Carpet'!

A few of our friends; Chet, Tami, Chandra and Tommy.

Erik says 'Hi' to the camera!

Erik, Tommy and me (in the periwinkle coat, obviously!)

    Chandra got a picture of me on the 'Magic Carpet'. We tubed well past dark. They have lots of big lights to light up the hills however.

After we were all done in...we went to the lodge for Irish coffees.

And took pictures of each other taking pictures......!

Thanks for stopping by!
I'll be linking up with A Southern Daydreamer for Outdoor Wednesday!



  1. Looks like fun! I went to Minneapolis for business one spring and was surprised that they still had mounds of snow in the parking lots all piled up. I think it was in April. But then I'm getting envious of the southern bloggers who have their trees flowering already!

  2. Hi Katie,
    Oh that looks so fun!! I have never seen anything like it, how cool to get a "lift" to the top!

  3. How much fun is THAT?!!! What a great tubing hill, too...miss CO when I see pictures like that...not the cold, though, and it does look cold! Hope the rest of your week is as fun as this looked...Happy Monday, Katie...Tanya

  4. Sweet! The last time I was there you had to sit on your tube and hang on to a rope. This looks much more technologically advanced! And safer! LOL

  5. Hi Katie-

    That looks like so much fun, and what great pictures of you all at dusk! I'd really love to go tubing now! The trick will be to get my husband to go. Years ago I managed to convince him to go tobagganing with me, and he's afraid of heights. I don't think it'll work this time! LOL :-)



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