Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Easter Tabletop

Despite the fact that Easter is late this year, it doesn't look like we'll be having any nice weather for Easter....or anytime soon! I certainly hope that all the places that are planning outdoor Easter Egg hunts are prepared that they might not be able to have one.......it's been very cold here, very windy and we've been having snow mixed with rain for days. Today it snowed, hailed and sleeted....and it's supposed to continue for awhile.

I'm super envious of the folks who are having a real spring!
Anyway, Erik and I hosted our Easter dinner early this year (on Palm Sunday) and it went off very well. I changed up the vignette on top of the piano in the hall just for the occasion.

The faux peony arrangement was moved to another room and I took one of the candleabra from the dining room and put some pink candles in it.

The bunny I bought at Goodwill about a month ago. Next to him I put a bouquet of white faux roses with faux pink hydrangea that I've used in a centerpiece in several of my tablescapes.

I took the two white birds from my dining room table to complete the vignette. It was an easy way to add a little Easter cheer to the hallway, and brightens up an otherwise dreary day!

Thanks for stopping by! I'll be joining Tabletop Tuesday with Marty at A Stroll Thru Life!



  1. Katie, thank you for stopping by and commenting on the wedding quilt. I know they love their quilt.

    I am with you, Easter is so late this year, you'd think the weather would be a little nicer. Hope you have a great Easter, I do love your decorations and bunnies!

  2. the weather may be bad but your table is cheery!

  3. I feel your pain, this is usually convertible weather around here and we are just still cold and rainy!
    What a pretty tabletop. Those gorgeous love birds are the perfect touch. Isn't it fun moving things around? Have a wonderful Easter Weekend.


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