Monday, April 18, 2011

A Surprising Visitor

The other day I looked out my window one morning and saw we had a surprise visitor at the squirrel feeder in the yard:

(sorry the picture is so grainy; I took it from a 2nd story window, through a screen)

I admit that when I decided to put up a squirrel feeder in our yard, part of the reason I did was because I was hoping that we might lure this guy/gal into our yard. I was reminded of that Kevin Costner movie "Field of Dreams" where the voice he keeps hearing says ' If you build it, he will come'!
Ha....that was me! I kept thinking, 'if we put a feeder up, he will come!'.....
Sure enough.......
I don't know if this one is a male or female, but I do know there are at least two, maybe three, albino squirrels in our neighborhood. For the past couple of years I have seen two of them in a large park just down the street from our house and someone else told us they have seen three. They mostly stay in the park, which is about a block away, but I know they have ventured down this way before. Several times I saw one of them in a neighbor's yard and once, last year, I saw one on the roof of my garage one morning.  

Thanks for stopping by!



  1. Hi Katie,
    Oh he is beautiful, how fun is that!!

  2. the town I went to college in is the "home of the white squirrels" Olney is Illinois. A couple must of moved to your area!!

  3. How cute. I've never seen a white one before. Maybe he'll enjoy your feeder so much he'll take up residence there.

  4. You don't see them very often, but I have seen a few white squirrel in my area. Once I was sitting in a Tim Horton's drive thru when one jumped on the garbage bin....I got pretty excited...husband sitting beside me wasn't, he just wanted coffee!! Diane

  5. A white one is so rare, you done good. Richard at My Old Historic House

  6. I don't think I have ever seen an albino squirrel...great shot.

  7. Katie-

    How lucky are you! We have some black squirrels, but would be thrilled if we got some albinos in our garden! We've even thought about taking a drive downstate to Olney, IL to see their famous white squirrels. But now we can just drive north to your place LOL! Very cool! :-)



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