Friday, June 3, 2011

Garden Ballerinas

I was so excited to see multiple buds on my bearded irises and I waited and waited for them to open. Then, suddenly, I woke up one morning and there they were! I only have a few of them; I'd like to have a lot more! I hope to extend the planting bed where they are to make room for more.

These irises were planted three years ago in a different place and the first year, I did get a couple blooms. Last year I moved them to another planting bed because the first place I put them wasn't right for them. Bearded iris are rhizomes and easy to move, because they are planted so shallow, but because I moved them, I had no flowers last year.

When I bought these, the name of the variety was "Ballerina". It seems fitting; they almost look like ruffly ballerina skirts!

And just around the corner of the house, my Snowball Viburnum is blooming!

Thanks for stopping by!



  1. Both of your flowers were waiting on to bloom. They are very pretty.

  2. Iris are my favorites and yours are beautiful! HPS!

  3. That's such a pretty shade of Iris. And it so frilly looking. Beautiful viburnum.

  4. That really is a pretty colored iris! And your snowball bush is putting on a good show this year, too! :-)



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