Saturday, August 27, 2011

Around the House & Sneak Peek

Just the other day I posted about some new finds that I recently purchased at a new store near where I live, click HERE for that post.

Of course, I was busy finding "homes" for my new goodies. Usually when I buy something I already have an idea of what I want it for or where to put it. I also keep a list of things that I would like to find, so when I go browsing at stores and shops I take my list with me and I have it as a reference. It also helps me to 'keep on track' and not impulse-buy!  (Which I admit, is a problem!)

The vintage pillowcases are already on the bed.

It seems just like yesterday that I brought out the "summer bedding", and here it's almost September already. Where has the summer gone??

   The sweet crocheted butterfly doily seemed best displayed here, on the back of my parlour sofa.

Of course, the curly wicker chair I already showed in it's new "home"; the front porch.

I also mentioned another item in that post that was "expensive" and for the dining room that we were considering buying. We did actually decide to buy it!! Here's a teaser picture of it.............

and here...........

Hopefully soon I will able to show more of it, once it's been put up!
Thanks for stopping by!



  1. Katie,
    You are such a tease!! LOL!!

    Can't wait to see what this is!!

    Love the wicker chair and everything else you bought!!



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