Sunday, August 21, 2011

A New Store in Town & Some Finds

There are a number of antique stores and art galleries near where we live, which is both fortunate and dangerous.

Fortunate in that I can easily go there to look for goodies.....and dangerous for the same reasons!

One of the stores that we really liked recently emptied out, to our surprise. We wondered what in the world was going to take it's place. We felt sad...empty....apprehensive. There were other stores, of course, but we like having numerous stores in which to hunt; the more the better!

Luckily, the new store turned out to be an antique store. We heard that it had recently opened and that it was called "Antiques and Uniques".  We had to go there.

And I found this.................

Love!!  I've been looking for some pretty curly wicker chairs for my porch.....FOREVER! It was a really good price. I wish there had been more than one.

It matches perfectly with the white wicker plant stand that I found last year. I stole the pillow from one of my Adirondack chairs in the back yard. I have more of this fabric, so I will probably make another pillow or perhaps a cushion.

                         I also found some more vintage embroidered pillow cases for our bed. I can't resist these.

Just look how pretty that is!

 Sorting through a box of doilies, I spotted this lovely butterfly-shaped crocheted doily. How cute is that? I was hoping there was a pair, but alas, there was only the one. I had to have it. The other item is actually a tissue box cover.

I love Battenburg lace and cutwork, so I had to have it. It will look pretty in one of our bathrooms, I'm sure.

There was one other item that Erik and I found and are considering buying. It's kinda big and sort of expensive, but it's something we've wanted for the dining room for ages. We have to look at our budget and see if such an expenditure would be wise before deciding. I hope that I can bring it home and show it off soon!

Thanks for stopping by!
I'll be joining Coloradolady for Vintage Thingie Thursday
Courtney at French Country Cottage for Feathered Nest Friday!



  1. Sweet chair, does match the table. Richard from My Old Historic House.

  2. beautiful and super enchanting...thanks for sharing such pure gorgeousness!!!
    This whole post has such wow-factor..I am smitten!
    Have a sparkling day!

  3. Such a pretty crochet Butterfly! The chair is so lovely too!

  4. Katie, I hopped over from the feathered nest hop and so happy I did. I love that chair and the pillow case and the butterfly oh my, what wonderful treasures!!Hugs!

  5. What a sweet little chair, and its perfect on ur porch.....New to ur site and now a follower. Im visiting from FNF, stop by if ya get a chance............Bonnie

  6. Katie, I love your new chair! There's something magical about those pretty, fancy wicker chairs. Very romantic. Battenburg lace is a lot like wicker, too, with it's white openwork designs. Love it all! :-)



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