Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Is It Really Autumn Already?

I looked at my calendar today and I thought to's almost October? Since when???

I took a break from blogging for a few weeks; mostly because I was sick, then I was on vacation and then work was crazy and then a million other things, etc etc etc. prevented me from getting creative and working on my blog. I also have been scouring the internet and every fabric store in my area looking for the "perfect" fabric for some kitchen curtains that I want to sew. I've been obssessing  thinking about what I want to do and haven't found the right fabric yet.

Additionally, one of our cats, E.B., had to have surgery to remove an apocrine tumor. Fortunately it's a kind of tumor that, while it's cancerous, does not normally spread to other tissues and lies just beneath the skin, so he's doing very well. He will have to see the kitty vet a couple of times a year to make sure it doesn't come back; they are pretty sure they got all of the tumor so it's not likely to re-grow, but it will be something that should be monitored.
I am also in the midst of planning a Halloween party at our house for Oct. 22 ......more on that later!

The weather has been dry but has remained nicely summer-like, so I've been reluctant to start putting up fall decorations yet.

Although most everything in my flower gardens is done blooming for the seaon, some of my tall phlox is still looking pretty. This lavender-colored phlox was planted new this spring. It actually looks a little pinker in this picture than it really is.

Most of these colorful annuals I bought late in the season and they were really cheap! But, they really brighten the yard after some of the perennials are finished blooming.

I love this red celosia with the dark burgundy colored leaves. I had some of these last year in the front yard too. It looks striking alongside the variegated green of the heuchera (a.k.a. coral bells or alumroot). These green ones were called "Green Spice". I also have other colors; "Plum Pudding" and "Creme Brulee".

In springtime this is where my Dutch tulips come up. After they are done I usually plant some annuals. I like to change it up every year. This year I did a mix of petunias in white, solid red, purple/blue and red with a white edging. There are also two red geraniums mixed in. Further back, in the bed where my astilbe is, I planted some hot pink and white petunias.

The porch is such a pleasant place to sit. I will miss it when the cold winter arrives!

Next year we have to re-paint the porch (obviously!).

Very soon these pots will come indoors to be over-wintered in an upstairs bedroom and my pretty little curly wicker chair and plant stand will go in the garage and be shrouded in plastic. 
It's always a little sad to say good-bye to another summer season......but now that October is looming, I guess I'll have to start my fall decorating!

Thanks for stopping by!!!



  1. Love your gorgeous home! So glad to have happened upon your blog, it is just the style I love.

  2. Loved seeing pictures of your beautiful home. Your porch is wonderful!

    Happy Fall! Yes, it's hard to believe October is just around the corner. This is my favourite time of year.

    Ravenhill Cottage

  3. I remember your Halloween party from last year. Can't wait to see how you decorate for it.


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