Thursday, October 13, 2011

Crafty Things: Halloween Party Invitations

I thought I would share a couple pictures of the Halloween party invites that I made for our upcoming party on October 22nd:

Basically, I used the same card design, but used various papers and stamps to make several different looks.

I do really like to send actual invites out for parties. People seem to seldom do this anymore. ( I usually get e-vites or Facebook event invites from most people nowadays.)
What can I say? I'm old-school!

Thanks for stopping by!



  1. What cute invitations! I'm like you...I like to send the real thing. I've discovered that not all my friends check their email or Facebook regularly. Besides, it's always fun to get something other than a bill or advertisement in the mail!

  2. I bet your friends can't wait to get their invites every year. Those are really cute too. Love the skull one!

  3. I still like sending, and receiving, real invites too! Not that we have many parties. Those are really cute! Can't wait to hear how the party goes!



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