Saturday, November 19, 2011

Food: Harry Potter's Butterbeer Cupcakes

A few weeks ago I saw this recipe on the blog Purple Chocolat Home click HERE, and I decided that I would have to try this one for stamb club, since I am hostess this month.

If you have not visited Jacqueline's blog before, I recommend popping over there; she has lots of great recipes and many other wonderful things to share!

I used the same recipe for everything, I just did a variation with the presentation, since I was taking them to a party.

I made the little signs using some of my stamping punches and a toothpick. I printed the words using my computer. There was a MS Word font that was called HP PSG,which I wondered if it stood for "Harry Potter" or "Hewlett-Packard"( my computer is a Hewlett-Packard). I'm not sure which it is, but it's a cool looking font and looked appropriate. The cupcake wraps I bought from Wilton.


Thanks for stopping by!



  1. Thanks for pointing out her blog. I just stopped by and it looks pretty good. Those cupcakes sound pretty good too. I love butterscotch.

  2. Oh, those look So yummy! That looks like a fun recipe. And I love your little signs. :-)


  3. I wish I had one of these cakes for my breakfast, sounds so good. I'm sending you Best Thanksgiving Wished from My Blog to Yours. Richard from My Old Historic House.

  4. I love Harry potter!
    Happy Thanksgiving!!!
    Thanks so much for your comment. I have the diabetes under control so far. I am really grateful.


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