Thursday, November 3, 2011

Super Cute Cats

I got a new camera for my birthday two weeks ago and I've been playing around with it, learning how to use it. Of course, I had to find something to take pictures of besides all my Halloween decor!

Why not my super cute cats????!!!!! 

Olive. Super cute, but also super naughty sometimes. This last week she broke two things; a candy bowl and a decorative pot.

E.B. is also super cute, even if he's super weird sometimes. ;-)

Thanks for stopping by!



  1. Katie-

    Your cats are so adorable! I love Olive's colors. She's a cutie! And E.B. looks so elegant on your bedding. Nice photos!


  2. Dearest Katie,

    Great photos from Oliver and E.B.
    Happy Birthday to Erik for tomorrow...
    Love to you,


  3. Hello Katie,
    Olive and E.B. are sooo cute. E.B. loves romantic bedclothes, right? he looks really as if he is in a romantic mood. I can hear him purring.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  4. Beautiful kitties, Katie! I have more than a few of my own.There nothing like a purring kitty cuddling up to you...

  5. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Katie! What a wonderful gift, too...looks like you're off to a great start - the kitties are pretty cute! XO - Tanya


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