Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Amazing Lace

I just love lace.....or in this case, lacy trims!

These were some recent purchases; crocheted lace trimmed doilies......... pretty. (Can you see my reflection in the silver creamer? Ha ha....No matter where I stood, I was sweats and all!)

This one I put on top of the piano in the hall........ Look at those gorgeous roses!

This one was extra tight and extra must have taken a hundred years to make!!!! (Well, if it was me making it, maybe it would have!)

I have never tried thread crochet. Years ago I bought a pattern book at a rummage sale that had some patterns for thread crochet; doilies, a tablecloth etc. I looked at the pattern instructions and thought my head was going to explode. The intricacy! The delicacy! I presume you have to keep your tension very tight when doing thread crochet; my tension is not so good because my hands get tired so fast.

Needless to say, I never made anything in the pattern book and I don't think I even own it anymore!

Oh well, when I can buy these beautiful vintage labors of love, made by much more patient people than I, and only have to pay less than $10 usually for these.....that is worth it!

Thanks for stopping by! I'll be joining Faded Charm for White Wednesday this week!



  1. I love, love lace, as well. Your presentation pieces are so beautiful! Thanks for sharing! I am now a follower of your blog and look forward to return visits. I invite you to join me as well on my blog at
    Hugs, Gayle.

  2. I love lace doilies also. They are so elegant. They also look so nice with silver pieces (even with reflections). :) I hope you will come visit me on my blog as well.
    Have a great week!

  3. Love the special laces you featured. I think the 2nd one is my favorite. My grandmothers could both crochet and even tat, but I never picked up on it. Wish I could. I, too, will just have to purchase mine!!

    I hope you signed up for my giveaway that ends tomorrow! And a quick reminder about my annual WEDDING BLOG PARTY next Friday, June 8th! Hope you will join us!

    Big PS Hugs,


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