Friday, January 8, 2010

Birthday Wishes to my godson, Garrett!

I was honored to be asked to be godmother to my nephew, Garrett, when he was born in January 2008. Here was the little guy as a newborn!

And here he is at his 2nd birthday party just last week!

This is the adorable cake my sister made for him: a racetrack cake!

All the kids clamored for a "spare tire" (stacks of purple Gummi Lifesavers)!!. You can see them on the corners of the red licorice and crushed chocolate graham cracker "track".

My favorite part of the cake was the "spectators". (Teddy Grahams sitting on bleachers made of pretzel rods)

Give me that cake!

                                                 Cake eating is serious business!!!!!

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