Friday, January 8, 2010

Flowers for the Coffee Service

Today after lunch with my mother, I hit up one of my favorite stores, Stein's Garden & Gifts, to scoop up Christmas decor at 85% off. I did this last year also, to buy ornaments and other items for my "theme tree". To see pictures of my theme tree from this year, click here. My theme tree for next year will be all white with birds, flowers and snowflakes, so of course, I loaded my cart with all decor I could find in white.

I also noticed that they had clearance prices on silk florals, some as low as 50 cents a bunch and others for $1 a bunch. I found plenty of white flowers to go on my theme tree for next year, but I also couldn't resist some purple cabbage roses and some green berries I found for 50 cents each. I made a  pretty little bouquet which fit nicely into my short crystal vase, which I have put on the silver tray that goes with my vintage silver coffee and tea service. I can also use this as a centerpiece on the table or wherever I choose.....and it cost me only about $3 to put together.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kate,
    this is my first visit to your blog and it's been a very pleasant one indeed. i adore your pink silk roses bouquet - I just happen to adore roses in all possible forms, from fresh to dried, from millinery to porcelain ones... and painted ones too...
    your bouquet adds such a dramatic touch to your silver tea and coffee service tray.
    great post!
    With warm wishes from Italy
    rita from rita's shabby chic rose


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