Wednesday, February 3, 2010

This and That: It's February!

Happy February to all in blogland..............Here in Wisconsin (or WisCOWsin, if you prefer; "Come smell our Dairy Air!"), it's still winter. Even though Punxsutawney Phil ( you know, that crazy little groundhog) saw his shadow, which means 6 more weeks of winter, that doesn't usually mean much here, where spring generally doesn't really arrive until May ( and we've had snow in May before!). So shadow or not, spring is probably more like almost 3 months away for us!

Well, I'll just have to console myself with Valentine's Day treats...............
 Pink cupcakes with butter cream frosting and chocolate hearts

These were some cookies I made last year to use up some pink frosting I had. Not my best decorating efforts, but they sure were tasty (and were just for me and the hubby!)!!


  1. Those cookies are so cute! You've been baking up a storm. Thanks for visiting my blog and for your comments. I think cats like the down because it must smell like the bird to them? Either way, I love down cushions and my cat is going to the SPCA if he dares to pee on it again!


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