Saturday, May 22, 2010

Bedding: Oooh-La-La

I might have mentioned at one time that I have a serious ADD problem when it comes to bedding. In addition to vintage linens, I LOVE bedding....whenever I see beautiful bedding I want it, even though I love the bedding I already have.

Just yesterday I got a catalog in the mail from Nieman-Marcus.
It had this white bedding in it:
For a direct link to it on the Nieman-Marcus website click.HERE   if you'd like to view it and drool, as I have been doing.
This would look so lovely as my summer bedding!  Mmmm! Delectable.

Awhile back I posted about my summer bedding  (click HERE)...which isn't nearly as fancy as this (and not even remotely as expensive.) At the time I was looking for some pillow shams also to complete my "look".
I bought these from Target.
They are from the Rachel Ashwell Simply Shabby Chic collection.

They looks oh-so-lovely with my vintage pillowcases. I still need two more European shams which I am thinking I might try to sew myself. I saw some beautiful fabric at JoAnn's not long ago that I think would be perfect.
Hopefully I can complete my "summer bedding look" before summer is over. LOL!

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Understandable about the problem...LOL...Absolutely gorgeous bedding.

  2. Hi Katie:
    Just found you through my friend Kim at Victorian Parlor. LOVE YOUR BLOG - so beautiful and peaceful. I am a bedding junky too, so I completely understand. I have found great antique sheets on ebay (btw). Your sterling flatware is beautiful is that a Reed & Barton pattern?? Anyway you are a girl after my own heart. will be adding you to my follow list.

    have a great day

  3. Hi Again, That white bedding is gorgeous, but I really love your blue and white pillowcase! Your new pillow shams are really pretty! I'm gonna have to go poke around Shabby Chic at Target, I need pillow shams too (pink though) ... I have never seen those :-)


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