Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Outdoor Wednesday: The last blooms of my gardens.......

Even though it's not "officially" fall yet, it's September...and that means that my gardens are winding down for the season.

There isn't much left blooming anymore, except my annuals, which are still going strong...like this celosia that lines the front walk.
My lacecap hydrangeas are still blooming; I still have lovely pink blooms on my lacecap 'Twist n' Shout' hydrangea. My blue hydrangea macrophylla  'Endless Summer'seems to be pretty much finished, however.

The last perennial in my garden to bloom is always my blue Toad lilies.
I have these planted in a small shady area near some ghost ferns.  They are the last perennial blooms of my garden! 
It's kind of sad, actually. I always miss my flowers terribly in the long Wisconsin winters.

Thanks for stopping by!
I'll be linking up with A Southern Daydreamer for Outdoor Wednesday.


  1. Hi Katie, Isn't it sad when it all ends? Your annuals stilll look fabulous:-) I have an endless summer hydrangea I am curious how it will do in the fall. The blue Toad Lily is a beautiful and unique plant!

  2. Having lived in CA most of my life, I can't imagine having the garden die down in the winter. I can understand your reluctance to see Summer end!
    Your hydrangeas and lilies are lovely.
    Heidi - Heart and Home

  3. It is fall here. Lovely flowers posted on your blog.
    Joyce M

  4. Enjoyed your blog. I love my flowers and sorry when they die. However, even in the winter we still can have a few.

  5. Your garden is so pretty!!! And I must add, I LOVE your 'cherry' tablescape post above.

    Thanks for stopping by to visit with me at Driftwood Tree on the Shore. Have a great Wednesday.

  6. Your hydrangeas and lilies are very pretty. I am ready for fall. hugs♥olive

  7. I guess knowing that the blooms won't last makes them much more special. Beautiful.

  8. Hello Katie,

    Lovely flowers. Your lacecap hydrangeas are gorgeous. I love the photo on your side bar of your cat next to the wheelbarrow and hydrangeas.

    ~ Tracy

  9. Our gardens here in California never die down completely...we do lose the hostas and black eyed susans and a few others, but there are always violas, pansies and other winter annuals to fill in. Gardening is year round here. The blue toad lily is very pretty. I have never seen one until yours!


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