Sunday, September 12, 2010

Seasonal Sunday: What Fall Means to Me

Today I'm joining The Tablescaper for Seasonal Sundays!
What does the season mean to you?

I think of the trees changing from their summer greens into vibrant colors..........

....and pots of mums in fall colors, pumpkins, and Halloween!............

...witches who fly across the night sky......................................

...and spooks who cavort in my windows..................

...and caramel apples!

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. OOOhhhhh AAAwwwweee,
    The carmel apples are just the best!!!!

    Thankful milder temps are in the air. We have our windows opened and it is heavenly.

    God bless you,
    d frm homehaven

  2. The leaves haven't started changing yet here either, but fall is in the air. There's a mix of end of summer warmth and the snap of autumn.

    Thanks so much for being a part of Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper

  3. Thanks for stopping by to visit HFTS. I repotted my front porch pots with new fall mums. What a difference it makes to see something fresh and colorful again. Pumpkins are now available in the grocery, so I brought home a bag of small white ones. ~ Sarah

  4. Thanks for stopping by to visit HFTS. I repotted my front porch pots with new fall mums. What a difference it makes to see something fresh and colorful again. Pumpkins are now available in the grocery, so I brought home a bag of small white ones. ~ Sarah

  5. The smell of grapes ripening on the vine. All of a sudden, one morning, the shadows seem to fall a little differently and I know my favorite season is coming.

  6. Dearest Katie,

    You're ahead of me by season... But please do see my blog of today, I've linked you into that one.

    Sunny greetings from Georgia,


  7. Those are all such happy things to remember the season by! To me, the dread of going back to school every fall still haunts me. I get a weird feeling in my gut when fall comes around, and I think that's why. I love your Halloween decoration pics!



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