Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Cat Shenanigans

About a month ago Erik and I adopted a new kitty from the Humane Animal Welfare Society.
She is a 1 yr old tortoiseshell and we named her Olive. Click HERE to read the first post about Olive.

In the few weeks she has been with us, we can't imagine how we managed without her. She is an absolute delight! She bonded to us right away and is very friendly and sweet. She loves to cuddle and snuggle and has adapted to her new home with us beautifully. Being only a year old, she's still very playful. It's quite a change from what we are used to! It's been years since we had anything but senior cats in this house.
She loves to play on the bed......or just about anywhere! She has toys all over the house.
The scratching post is also a favorite. Our other cat, E.B. is not declawed, so the scratching post in a must. She likes to play with the toy on the top.

Besides playing with the scratching post, Olive has four fuzzy jingly balls that she plays with almost all the time. She also likes climbing, running, pouncing and just generally looking cute.
 Lavender is her 'signature color', so of course she has a collar in that color!
.She loves looking out windows too.
She'll lay on a window sill looking out for an hour at a time.....which is a long time for her to sit still!

Here's another favorite thing she likes to do.................
Stand on my keyboard in front of my computer............

Or actually lay on my keyboard....while I'm trying to blog! When she wants attention, she knows how to get it!


  1. Hi Katie, Ain't she darling!! I was admiring her lavender collar before you said it... you dressed her well:-) I am so glad you are enjoying her, we had just the old dogs when we added puppy Cosmo two years ago and he brought so much activity to the house! The others really enjoy him and are more playful too.

  2. Dearest Katie,

    Olive is lucky for having found human parents like the two of you! They sure know how to get their attention. Ours do hit the key board too. They force you to stop what you're doing and love them first!
    But they certainly give oodles of unconditional love back to their humans in return for the care and shelter we give them. So glad you enjoy her with the senior cat.

    Sunny greetings from Georgia,


  3. Hi Katie,
    Olive is a really a sweetie. I know how hard it is when an old cat get sick and one can count the days. I lost my sweet Sissi in Summer. But it is a pretty good idea to adopt another cat early. So the house is not empty when Tia pass away. I wish you many nice weeks with her and many gorgeous yeears with Olive.
    Greetings, Johanna

  4. Katie-

    Olive is such a sweetie pie! It's so nice to have a playful kitty. Our Penny is almost 14 and is still as agile and playful as Day 1. If Olive is already 1, she'll probably keep her playful and loving personality. Now if you ever have a typo on your blog, I'll know who to blame!



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