Saturday, October 23, 2010

Spooky Parlour

I took some pictures last night of the parlour with all the candles lit; this is how it will be looking on the night of the party next week.

I have some battery operated electric candles in the windows also. I also use these at Christmas time.
The coffin table!
And of course, Olive had to get in on the photos. She loves to model.

We also have this spooky denizen on our front porch...........
He hovers there throughout the Halloween season and then flies back up to the attic when Halloween is over.
I'll be joining The Tablescaper for Seasonal Sunday; please stop by and see all the other fabulous entries.
Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Dearest Katie,

    Wow, you both have done so much work on this, could be for a movie set...
    Enjoy the upcoming party and now you're done, you can relax! Have a great weekend together with Erik and I will send you lots of sunshine from Georgia your way,


  2. Hi Katie... Great job!! Your party is goping to be spooktacular!! all the silver is gorgeous:-))

  3. Katie,
    I LOVE how the parlor looks all decorated and the candlelight just makes it look so wonderful!!

    Great job!!


  4. Oh my, I am totally in awe of all of your decor. Love it all. The candles give it the perfect "spooky" feeling. How fun is this. Thanks also for your gracious comments, I really appreciate it. Hugs, Marty

  5. Well this is just spectacular! You must have had so much fun doing this. Looks like you have the perfect house for it. Beautiful!

  6. Looks like you're all ready for the party-have fun:@)

  7. Oh my that is very spooky! It looks great.

  8. What a great place for a party. Your attention to detail is what makes this amazing. Love your porch visitor!

  9. I love it all. You're so ready, you should have an awesom party!

    Thank you for being a part of Seasonal Sundays!

    - The Tablescaper


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