Friday, October 22, 2010

Picture Hanging Progress

We're counting down the days until October 30th and our combination Halloween/Birthday Costume Party, so things are busy here at Le Beau Paon in preparation for the party, but Erik and I took time out from re-decorating and other projects (and winterizing the house!) to hang up some of my pictures in the parlour using the picture hangers I just bought. You can read the original post about the picture hangers HERE.

I did a 'double hang' of two small framed pictures that I've had for some years. They are both tinted prints from La Mode Illustree'.
This particular style of picture hanger was called the 'Jane Austen' style on the website where I ordered it from. The medallion slides up and down the picture cord, so you can place it as low or as high as you like.

We also hung this one too:

The size and weight of this portrait made me decide to use two picture hanging hooks and two sets of hanging cord. I've had this massive portrait for years. I bought it at an estate sale because I loved the size and the intricately carved frame and I always imagined how awesome it would look on the wall. It's been sitting in storage for probably more than 15 years and now it's finally found it's way onto my wall, at long last! I don't even really mind the somewhat dour old woman who stares out from the frame. I think she's a rather cool customer and I call her 'Martha'.
This picture is a little blurry, but shows how the picture hooks and rail work.

I also took a picture of the new ceiling medallion with the light fixture back in place. Erik shortened the chain quite a bit. I'm still not thrilled with this ceiling fixture; I'd like something more Victorian looking. The previous owners put this light fixture in and it's relatively new, so we'll leave it for now, until something better comes along!
Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Dearest Katie (and Erik),

    What a labor you've accomplished in this home and it for sure will be almost never-ending!
    Great way of hanging all those treasures. Martha looks a bit stern, she's following you but what a gorgeous frame! So glad that the fifteen years of waiting paid off with finding all the tools to finally hang Martha... Oops, that is Halloween style.
    Hope you soon will have some time to enjoy all this work and relax a bit!

    Have a great weekend and I'm sending you sunshine from Georgia,


  2. Hi Katie, I always LOVE to see your stenciling, just gorgeous!! Great job on the framing... I love Martha's stern look, You gotta wonder what she was thinking about when the portrait was taken:-))
    Have a great weekend!


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