Sunday, April 10, 2011

More Easter Decorating....

I stop in occasionally at Goodwill to drop off and donate clothes and shoes and other household items (whenever I get something new or new to me, like vintage dishes, small appliances or other things, I donate the 'old' stuff. For instance, I had a set of modern Pyrex nesting bowls in plain clear glass that I'd had for about 10 years. When I received a set of vintage Pyrex in the Butterprint pattern (HERE) for Christmas, a set that I had been desiring forever, the clear glass ones went to Goodwill. I don't keep what I don't need.)

 Erik and I are also slowly replacing our cookware in the kitchen. Most of my pots and pans are cheap stuff I've had forever...some of them are his as well, from his old bachelor apartment. We really like All-Clad stainless cookware, but it's very expensive, so we buy one pan at a time when we can afford it. When I get a new pan, the old one goes to Goodwill. I also go to Goodwill to shop for clothes, table linens, dishes and glass ware. I've found some great deals there, especially buying jeans. Although I have a million pairs of jeans, I always seem to want or need more of them and I can always find really cute jeans for cheap at our local Goodwill. I just bought a darling pair for $4.99 this week!  Of course, I'm always looking for shirts that have a vintage look, or pants that I can make into bellbottoms for Erik's band costumes as well.

This week I stopped in at Goodwill, looking for short-sleeved shirts with a vintage look for Erik for his summer gigs, and found a couple of cute things to add  to my Easter/Spring decor:

I saw these bunny and lettuce head Salt & Pepper shakers for 49 cents each and had to get them for my Easter table. So cute!

I also spotted a cheese dome with a white marble base, and snatched it up so I could use it as a cloche and make cute vignettes under the glass like I see so many other folks doing on their blogs. I love how cute and versatile they can be and was envious of everyone who had one!  For now, I put the nest I found in my yard last year (with faux eggs) under the glass and placed it on my silver tea tray. The cheese dome was $3.99

Some of my other Easter decor that I already have, which finally made it's way down from the attic:

My silver snail is now living in the mossy basket which made up the table centerpiece for last year's Easter table.

I bought these paper flower sheep last year after Easter on clearance at JoAnn's.

My simple spring centerpiece is ready to be part of my Easter table with the addition of some branches with yellow, pink and purple flowers.

My bunny wearing a Victorian schoolgirl dress recently got new pink ribbons for her ears and sash.

Many years ago when I was a young woman of twenty, I sewed this dress from a pattern I bought. The middy collar is simply a square Battenburg lace doily with a slit in the middle and sewed onto the neck opening. The muslin rag doll bunny was purchased as is. I actually bought several of these bunnies (they were sold by the same company as the dress pattern, which had been designed especially for this project) and I made several of them with different patterns of fabric and gave them as gifts. Two of them went to my grandmothers. This was the one I made for my Grandma Helen, which she kept in her bedroom; she passed away about a year later and then it went to my mom for a long time. Some years ago my mom asked me if I wanted it back, as a keepsake and I gladly said yes. I thought that I had lost or gotten rid of the dress pattern, but recently it turned up when  I re-organized my craft closet.

Thanks for stopping by! Today I'm joining The Tablescaper for Seasonal Sundays and
Marty at A Stroll thru Life for Tabletop Tuesday!


  1. Hi Katie,
    Love your pretty Easter decor. The cloche is lovely and your GW finds, so cute. I would have grabbed them too!
    Happy Easter!

  2. Love your new salt and pepper shakers, what a great find and so appropriate for Easter. All of your vignettes and accessories are gorgeous. Beautiful displays. This would be a super post to link up to my Table Top Tuesday party. I will have Mr. linky up tomorrow evening. Hope you can join. Hugs, Marty

  3. Great finds! Your EAster ddecor is wonderful!!!



  4. What great finds! I just recently discovered my local GoodWill, and it is fun to stop in every now and then! All your spring decorations are adorable. I especially like the cute,flowery lambs!

  5. Katie, your Easter decorations are so cute and clever! You really have a talent for lovely decorating. I like your nest under the cheese dome, and those white sheep are so cute! We just took our Easter decorations out of storage this weekend. I really do get so many great ideas from fellow bloggers... it's amazing how that works!


  6. Thanks for letting me know you stopped by! I love your new cloche. I always want more, and the BIG ones. I just don't have any place to put them! You Easter things are sure pretty! I guess you're all ready!

  7. Thanks so much for linking to TTT. I think your vignettes are just stunning. Hugs, Marty

  8. I love your Easter. I have to get busy and do some at my house. Thanks for sharing,thanks for stopping by. Richard at My Old Historic House

  9. This basket with the snail is just spectacular! I love the cloche too.

  10. Thank you for stopping by.. I just love the cheese dome. I love goodwill shopping also.. The story about your grandmother is so sweet .. what a special memories.. glad it came back to you.


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