Monday, May 16, 2011

Outdoor Wednesday: May Flowers

"What the bee is to the floweret,

When he looks for honey-dew,
Through the leaves that close embower it,
That, my love, I'll be to you.

She. --

What the bank, with verdure glowing,
Is to waves that wander near,
Whispering kisses, while they're going,
That I'll be to you, my dear.

She. --

But they say, the bee's a rover,
Who will fly, when sweets are gone,
And, when once the kiss is over,
Faithless brooks will wander on.

He. --

Nay, if flowers will lose their looks
If sunny banks will wear away,
'Tis but right that bees and brooks
Should sip and kiss them, while they may. "--Thomas Moore, What the Bee is to the Floweret

dicentra spectabilis

I'll be joining A Southern Daydreamer for Outdoor Wednesday!

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Oh how pretty! love the bleeding hearts...mine did not come up this year

  2. Hi Katie,
    Lovely Tulips:-) My favorites are the first ruffled ones :-)

  3. Katie, your bleeding hearts and tulips are so pretty! My tulips all died out over the years and I never replaced them. Yours are so beautiful, they make me want to buy more!


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