Saturday, May 7, 2011

Old Jars as Decor

That big old Ball Mason jar I got from my mom's house last week (click HERE) has become a vase for an arrangement of faux daisies on my kitchen table.

I also have some faux spring-colored flowers in two canning jars above my kitchen sink:

I usually have several canning jars hanging around. My father and stepmother have a large garden and fruit orchard and they have lots of good stuff to can every season; salsa, pickles, tomatoes, applesauce, beans: just to name a few. Many of these jars make their way to my house and into my root cellar. (Yes, I do have a root cellar in the basement!)  After use, I wash the jars to be returned to them. Sometimes I have a half dozen or so in a box waiting to be returned and in the meantime, I will use them as decor.

Last year for my 4th of July tablescape, I used one as a holder for serving utensils! ( Click HERE to see that tablescape).
Smaller Mason jars also look fabulous on an outdoor table as drinkware for iced tea and lemonade.

I like to find things around the house to use in unexpected ways!
Thanks for stopping by!


  1. I used the mason jars for a family buffet we had for a family reunion! worked out well...I just love flowers in them!

  2. I love the daisies and your silverware, Katie. I love the way you displayed them too. Come sign up for my giveaway...Christine

  3. I love the mason jars! I have quite a few that I use to store my nuts, rice, etc in. I am trying to get away from using plastic as I am not sure how healthy it is for us plus the jars look so pretty!

  4. Hi Katie,

    I LOVE Mason jars! Especially those bluish-green ones. Your faux daisies look perfect in one! I agree with Mary Ellen. I like using ball jars and other glass items to store foods because I've gotten away from plastic. Plus, it's more Victorian!



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