Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Christmas 2011 Outdoor Display

I still haven't gotten the big Victorian tree up yet ( probably this weekend!), but I did take advantage of the somewhat warm temperatures this last weekend to put together my Christmas outdoor display.

When I say "warm", I mean 40 degrees....which is warm for December in Wisconsin!
Last year we had snow already at this time and the weather was very cold and windy when I did my outdoor display. It really was not pleasant!

This year I used fresh garland again, although I didn't make it quite as extravagant as last year, since we aren't having a Christmas party this year.
Click HERE to see last year's display.

The only real big difference between this year and last year's is the addition of two lighted fake little trees that I put in the big urns on either side of the doorway. I didn't have those urns last year (I bought them in March last year.)  It has been fun to find ways to incorporate them into my decor now that summer is over and all the flowers are gone!

You can see them a little better in this picture.

I found the set of two 3 foot tall trees, with lights, at Target. Each tree fits into a little red pot which is weighted so that you can place them outdoors and the wind won't knock them over. I actually "planted" the trees in my urns, which are still full of dirt. I dug a hole in the dirt and stuck the pots into the hole and covered them up so they'd be steady if it gets windy. The set of two trees, pre-lit, with the pots, was only $24. It worked out perfectly for my display.

My Christmas wreath, which I made for the house the first Christmas we lived here, is still looking pretty good. My cardinals are starting to look a little faded however. I might try to pick up some new cardinals during the after-Christmas sales and replace them for next year. They are just wired onto the wreath and can be easily removed.

Thanks for stopping by!



  1. Beautiful, love the photos taken at night...

  2. Your front porch looks so welcoming!

  3. Looks beautiful, I like to see lights outside. i do not do lights as I try and stay pure, can be boring. Lose that sparkle. I still have no tree either. maybe, soon. Richard from My Old Historic House.

  4. Gorgeous. I like the cardinals on the wreath. I have had the same wreath for years too and just occasionally replace something here or there on it. I may never have to buy another one again! Can't wait to see the tree.


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