Friday, December 2, 2011

Christmas Theme Tree 2011: Peacocks!

At last Christmas decorations are starting to appear at Le Beau Paon!

I've really been slacking getting things set up for Christmas. So many people I know have their outdoor lights and their trees up..........many blogs that I follow have had Christmas decor featured in their posts since before Thanksgiving.

I never decorate for Christmas until after Thanksgiving is over and technically it is only December 2nd, so I guess I'm not as much of a slacker as I thought!

As some readers probably remember, I put up two Christmas trees every year. This small tree that we put up in the front entry hall by the staircase is my "theme tree". Every year I plan a different theme. This year, I did a blue and green peacock tree. To see last year's theme tree, click HERE.

Here it is with lights on, although it's hard to see them..........

Typically I have white lights that go on this tree, but I decided that a peacock tree should have colored lights. I always have fun planning out what my tree for the next year should be. I purchase all the ornaments and decorations for the next year's tree during all the after-Christmas sales. This way I can load up without spending a lot of money. If I hit the sales in January, I can usually find everything at 70% off and I can get more than enough decorations and ornaments for my theme tree for about $20 or $25.

This weekend I hope to get the outdoor decorations set up and also have Erik help me drag the big tree for the parlour down from the attic!

Thanks for stopping by!
I'll be joining Feathered Nest Friday with French Country Cottage
Show and Tell Friday with My Romantic Home



  1. ♥♥♥ your peacock tree! I love the tree topper, would love to find something like it. I am thinking of doing lime and aqua this year.

  2. Wow, your peacock tree is amazing! We have peacocks regularly visit our yard, and they truly are a beautiful bird!

  3. Your peacock tree is gorgeous. And I love the huge guy (girl?) on top. You're ahead of me, but maybe I can get one tree up tonight if I get off the computer.

  4. Peacocks are very popular thus season, I just posted about some I used in a house transformation. Richard from My Old Historic House.

  5. That looks so pretty! At my previous house we had peacocks roaming around--so this brings back memories!

  6. Hi Katie-

    I love your peacock tree... it's so YOU! You must have hit several stores to have amassed that many beautiful ornaments. I always love a blue and green color scheme at Christmas. :-)


  7. Hi Katie, I had to go back and see this peacock tree! How I LOVE peacocks and your tree is absolutely divine! The peacock on top is great as are all the ornaments! Gina


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