Saturday, January 8, 2011

Hello, 2011 and a Review of Fave Pictures from 2010.........

Well, here I am doing my first post for 2011 and it's already January 8th! 
Whooo....I am so behind the times here!

I confess that I did hardly anything between Christmas and New Year's....I was on vacation from work that week and I enjoyed myself and was a total slacker. The hubby and I had a wedding to go to on New Year's Eve, but other than that, I mostly relaxed.

 I did do some after-Christmas sales shopping, however, to pick up ornaments for next year's theme tree and I even managed to buy a couple of gifts for next year! Amazing!
I have heard of people who are smart like that, but I'm never one of them. I have never bought gifts a year ahead of time before!

I thought for my first New Year post I would do a tribute to 2010 by showing some of my favorite pictures from last year.

Breakfast in Bed Tablescape. January 12,2010  (HERE)

My sweet cat Tia, before her illness.  (R.I.P  February 1996---August 28, 2010)

A Very Frou-Frou Valentine's Day Tablescape. February 10, 2010 (HERE)

Tea in the Parlor Tablescape. February 17, 2010 (HERE)

Easter Tablescape. March 31, 2010. (HERE)

Outdoor Wednesday, A Wall of Lilacs. May 4, 2010 (HERE)

Blue Transferware Tablescape #2, May 12, 2010. (HERE)

Tea on the Sideboard: Queenly Tea. May 22, 2010 (HERE)

Reverence, September 11, 2010. (HERE)

Erik, setting up in the staging area for Sheboygan Brat Days with his band, Stoneship Eden. August 6, 2010.

Olive joins our family, August 16, 2010.

Halloween 2010

Christmas 2010

Christmas Dinner for Six Tablescape. December 29, 2010 (HERE)

I hope you enjoyed looking back at pictures from this last year! I know I sure did!
As always, thanks for visiting!


  1. Hi Katie,
    I am so glad I am not the only slacker :-)
    I loved seeing your look back! I looked at you Valentines tablescape, since I had never seen it before. It was gorgeous! You have a great eye for details, those napkins with the rose, beautiful!!
    Happy New Year to you :-))

  2. Katie,
    This was such a gorgeous post....showing all of your beautiful things from the past year! Everything is so pretty as always! I just love your beautiful vignettes!


  3. Good morning Katie, All your photos are wonderful girl..I loved getting another sneak at your beautiful home my friend..Thanks for sharing and I'm so sorry about the lost of Tia..Fur babies are the best...Hugs and smies Gloria

  4. Love all of your gorgeous pics. Every one of your vignettes are stunning and so much beautiful eye candy. Thanks for the review. Beautiful. Hugs, Marty

  5. I enjoyed a look back over your year of posts and all of your table vignettes are beautiful.
    While we're covered with snow here, it was nice to see the flowers you shared too.

  6. Since I am a fairly new follower to your blog, I really enjoyed seeing your favorite posts for 2010. I can't really say that I have a favorite because they are all beautiful! I look forward to your posts in 2011!

  7. What a wonderful collection of pictures to share!! Am glad I came across your blog!

    Will be back to discover more of it soon!

    bee blessed


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